About us
The Center for Digital Teaching and Learning was founded on March 1, 2018 as an administrative unit and directly succeeded the Academy for New Media and Knowledge Transfer, which had been in existence since 2005. The foundation was announced in the newsletter on January 31, 2018.
Our team currently consists of twelve people characterized by a high level of expertise and commitment.
You can find more information about our team, our areas of work and our publications directly below.
Our objectives
- Advising and supporting teachers in pedagogically motivated use of digital technologies
- Creating and editing multimedia productions for teaching
- Development of technology-enhanced teaching/learning settings and testing of innovative teaching/learning technologies to improve the quality of teaching
- Digitally supported creation of competence portfolios for students
- Initiating and expanding development partnerships, cooperation projects and networks in the field of digital teaching and learning
Contact us
Zentrum für digitales Lehren und Lernen
SekretariatPhone:+43 316 380 - 1271
Location:Liebiggasse 9/II
Web: https://digitales.uni-graz.at